January 12, 2022

7 Cleaning Resolutions to Make for 2022

Funny thing about New Year’s resolutions: people who make them often don’t keep them. Seems like the moment you put them on paper, you decide to […]
February 21, 2020

10 Plants for Perfect Micro Climate in the House

Many of us are aware of the incredible ability of houseplants to influence the climate. The plants create a comfortable atmosphere, stabilise humidity and saturate the […]
September 28, 2019

10 Reasons To Keep Your Home Clean And Healthy

When we normally clean up, we often miss major areas where bacteria and dust accumulate. We do not always realise that it is important not only […]
May 30, 2019

8 Tricks from the Professionals for Organising Your Living Space

Everything is a Question of Preparation The organisation of our home is a task that pursues us all our lives and is the reason for constantly […]
January 10, 2019

6 Things, Characterised For People With Clean Houses

How to organise your house and keep it clean Have you ever had guests and someone wants to go to the bathroom but you try to […]
November 14, 2018

7 Cleaning Mistakes that May Cause Damages

Cleaning tricks not always work as we wish How many times have you heard advice for cleaning everything in the house with baking soda, vinegar or […]